
Generate printable playing cards.

View some sample cards

Same cards arranged on A4 paper

These have been generated using the software provided at

crossbow demoralize detect heal

Open Game Content

The cards contain open game content which may only be used under and in terms of the Open Game License, version 1.0a. The cards themselves are designated as open game content and licensed under the Open Game License, version 1.0a. See LICENSE-OGL for further details.

Other Licenses

LaTeX styles and software is provided under MIT license, see LICENSE.

The font STIX2 is taken from and used under the SIL Open Font License, see LICENSE-STIX2.

The font Alte DIN 1451 is taken from and used under the SIL Open Font License, see LICENSE-alteDin1451.

The font TGL 0-1451 Engschrift is taken from and used based on the permissions on the FAQ in The downloads page states that all fonts are provided under Creative Commons, GPL with Font-Exception and/or SIL Open Font License. Unfortunately it is not clear which of these licenses is supposed to apply to the TGL 0-1451 Engschrift font in particular.

The font Postamt is taken from and used based on the permissions on the FAQ in The downloads page states that all fonts are provided under Creative Commons, GPL mit Font-Exception and/or SIL Open Font License. Unfortunately it is not clear which of these licenses is supposed to apply to the Postamt font in particular.

Various icons are taken from and used under CC-by-3.0, see fonts/PF2ESymbols.